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All text, images, and content presented on this blog are the property of Suave Glass. Please ask permission before using anything from this blog (contact us). Using photos and failure to link back and credit this site as the source is copyright violation. Copying any text from this blog is strictly prohibited.

All of our material is copyright protected. All rights reserved. 

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We assume no liability whatsoever for loss or damage incurred as a result of application of any information presented herein. Suave Glass cannot be held responsible for your personal safety and endorses the safe and responsible service and consumption of alcohol.


We love your comments and feedback, but please think before you post and keep it friendly. We reserve the right to remove any comments we find to be hurtful, rude, or inappropriate.


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Suave Glass are not responsible for republished content from this blog, on other blogs, or websites without our permission.

These policies are subject to change without notice.  Any questions please contact us.